Google SEO Strategy: Optimize SEO Content and Rank Higher


4 mins read

After you complete your Google SEO keyword research, you have a list of Google SEO keywords you targeted. Then you started to write! But how do you know whether your content matches the requirements of Google or other search engines and gets a higher rank at last? At this moment, you may want an assistant to help you evaluate your article and give optimization ideas for better catering to search intents and attracting more target audiences. Here, SEO content analysis and optimization tools can give you a helpful hand!

seo optimization and analysis

In this article:

What is SEO Content Optimization?

Before we go into using SEO optimization tools, we need to learn more about why and how we do SEO content optimization. 



1.Align better with the search intent via title, keywords, meta description, etc.
2.Make content more attractive and useful for both your target audience and Google. The more helpful your content, the higher rank will be given to your content.
3.Make the content well-structured, up-to-date, and informative. 


1.Use related keywords and phrases throughout your content.

2.Make eye-catching and coherent titles as well as meta tags based on your keyword research and SEO strategy. 

3.Add relevant internal links to create a clear image of your website. 

4.Go through a deep analysis of your competitor to check and learn what they are writing about. 

5.Update content regularly, which can help Google and other search engines feel that you value your content. 

6.Improve the content quality by removing plagiarized and AI content. Webpages containing such content will receive severe penalties sooner or later. Before you publish your content on your site, check and revise such content. 

To finish the listed items sounds like a week’s worth of work. It takes less than an hour to make if you choose the correct SEO optimization tool to help you. 

Our Choice for SEO Content Optimization

Taking all the listed requirements and more ideas we have collected from other SEO content creators, we have put forward a new version of the tool named SEO Inspection & Optimisation in ChatArt which can be a game changer for your whole SEO strategy. It helps you improve the quality and expression of your content to cater to all standards of Google SEO with four specially designed functions:  

  • SEO Analysis
  • Give overall score and optimization ideas on every aspect of your content.

  • Plagiarism Detection
  • Find out and revise the plagiarized content in your article, which helps you lower the chance of getting punished by Google.

  • AI Trace Detection & Rewriting
  • Rewrite the detected AI-generated content like a human to lower the chance that your content will be treated as spam by Google.

  • Optimize Format
  • Offers style edit tools that help you improve the article’s readability, usability, and accessibility, as well as signal to search engines to analyze your content and structure.

How to Inspect and Optimize SEO Content with ChatArt?

Step One: Go to SEO Inspection & Optimization in ChatArt

Step Two: Paste your finished article in the content window. Click SEO Analysis to get your SEO Score and SEO optimization tips. Please make the optimizations accordingly. The higher the score of your content, the better your ranking will be in the search results.



"The score is based on Google SEO guidance. Every factor of your content from word count, keyword density, internal link, images, title, and paragraph as well as meta tags will get their score."

SEO Analysis in SEO optimization tool

Step Three: Click Plagiarism Detection to get an overall plagiarism percentage and the list of the plagiarized content and related sources. ChatArt will refine the content once the Rewrite button is triggered.

Plagiarism Detection in SEO content optimization tool

Step Four: Tape the AI Trace Detection & Rewriting for finding and humanizing the AI-generated content. After revising all the listed items, you can run the test again. 

 AI Trace Detection & Rewriting in SEO optimization tool

Step Five: Decorate your optimized article with the tools in Optimize Format. Finally, you can save, download even share the content at will. 

Optimize Format in SEO optimization tool


Want to find an effective and easy way to boost your organic traffic within the shortest time and with less effort? You need to follow the rules and content standards of Google. Analyze and improve your SEO articles with the SEO Inspection & Optimization tool in ChatArt without hesitation!


ChatArt Key Features:

  • Engage in real-time Q&A with AI and obtain quick and accurate answers.
  • Select different text creation modules according to scenario needs.
  • Generate chat scripts, ad copy, novel, poetry, blogs, work reports, dream analysis, etc.
  • Save valuable content via bookmarking for easy future access and use.

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Home > AI Tools > Google SEO Strategy: Optimize SEO Content and Rank Higher