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iMyfone D-Back is a top leader in iPhone recovery. They offer recovery services for devices messages, photo & video's, social contact list, memos, and saved attachments.
Losing data can be a headache, and the process of recovering it can seem even worse. iMyfone D-Back is a great option for anyone who’d like to keep things simple and just get their data back as soon as possible.
iMyfone Umate is a reliable tool created specifically to deal with cleaning up your iOS device of data that is no longer needed and uselessly waste up precious disk space.
iMyfone iPhone Data Recovery software is one of those apps that help you recover data from an iPhone.
Have you lost photos or any other data from your iPhone? iMyFone D-Back for Window lets you recover data or backups in just three short and quick steps
Review: recupere dados acidentalmente deletados do seu iGadget com o aplicativo iMyfone D-Back para Mac
iMyFone D-Back iPhone Data Recovery, compatible with both Windows and Mac is very easy to use. It can get back almost any deleted data from your iOS devices. MakeUseOf, MacWorld UK, CulfofMac have reviewed the software.
iMyfone D-Back is a great software that can really save your files’ lives when tragedy strikes. Even if you don’t think it could happen to you, there’s no reason not to have it around just in case.
With over 2 million satisfied customers, over 1700 media sites approving of it, and being used in over 200 countries, iMyFone D-Back is well established and 100% safe for any consumer.
If you are facing the above-mentioned problems and having a hard time recovering lost or deleted data on your iPhone, you can opt for iMyFone D-Back software which recovers the deleted data with ease.
今天來分享一款強大的 iPhone 資料救援工具「iMyFone D-Back iPhone Data Recovery」,不僅可以針對各別的聊天 APP 掃描資料,像是通話記錄、通訊錄、照片、影音檔案等都可以
O iMyFone D-Back iPhone Recovery é uma alternativa paralela ao método oficial do WhatsApp.
iMyFone D-Back is quite a powerful tool as it allows users to recover data from a number of backup types.
O iMyfone D-Back mostrou-se tão eficaz quanto robusto, estando ao nível das melhores possibilidades para recuperar quaisquer dos nossos iDispositivos, com bastante facilidade.
Biz sizlerin yerine araştırdık ve gerçekten işini yapan, en iyilerden biri diyebileceğimiz iMyFone D-Back iPhone Data Recovery programına rastladık.
D-Back es un programa de recuperación de datos para iPhone, en el que te encontrarás con diversas opciones para restablecer el historial de llamadas de forma correcta y segura.
D-Back умеет еще вытягивать историю звонков, сообщения, заметки (вероятно, те, что не запаролены), историю Safari, контакты и данные из нескольких популярных мессенджеров.
iMyFone D-Back is a professional iPhone data recovery for iPhone users who eagerly need their lost important data back.
Macitynet mette alla prova il software per recuperare file iMyfone D-Back per Mac, che consente di recuperare file cancellati di iPhone accidentalmente, o che non sono più accessibili a causa di dispositivo danneggiato, smarrito o bloccato con PIN dimenticato.
يتميز برنامج iMyFone D-Back بأمر هام وهو أنه شديد البساطة حيث يمكن استخدامه بواسطة أي شخص سواء حتى لو كان صغير السن أو لا يجيد الإنجليزية. فعند فتح البرنامج تجد أمامك شاشة
iMyfone D-Back è un software disponibile sia per Windows sia per Mac che ci permette di recuperare i dati cancellati dai dispositivi iOS in nostro possesso. Scopriamolo meglio.
不過這次實際測試 iiMyFone D-Back 的檔案救援,還真的把我手動刪除的照片找回來了,雖然不敢保證所有遺失的資料都能救回來,不過透過軟體就能自己救援遺失檔案與資料,總比花大錢給別人救檔案還不一定能救到的好,你說是不是啊?
比起官方的iTunes和iCloud,iMyfone D-Back擁有更彈性的資料救援方式,可以只救援特定類型的資料,而不必花幾個小時把整支手機都還原一次,對於iOS的使用者來說,確實是相當實用的工具。官方網站上也提供了常見的FAQ,即使是一般使用者也會操作。
iMyfone D-Back: Skvělý nástroj na obnovu dat a opravu systému iOS
الايفون لم تترك لك شركة iMyfone مجالا للحيرة في هذا الامر باصدارها للبرنامج الرائع iMyfone D-Back الذي يمنحك القدرة علي استعادة ملفاتك المحذوفة كالصور وملفات الفيديو والرسائل والملاحظات والاسماء ورسائل التطبيقات كالواتس اب وسكايب وغكلها في المقدمة لذلكسأستعرض معكم جانبا من مميزات هذا البرنامج وكيفية استعادة ملفاتك مخلاله.
iMyfone D-Back 就是一個不錯的夥伴,雖然恢復檔案掃描的時間比較長,但如果花一點時間能找回失去的珍貴記憶,何不一試?雖然一開始小編也以為只能恢復特定時間刪除了的檔案,但意想不到的是竟然連剛買 iPhone 時刪除了的資料也能找回
Recomendo para todos aqueles que como eu já ficaram desesperados após perder dados importantes, arquivos, documentos, fotos, vídeos, notas e mais.
خلال الفترة الماضية أفدناكم بعدة طرق وشروحات، ونواصل تقديم الشروحات التي تجيب عن هذا السؤال، معنا اليوم برنامج iMyFone D-Back المفيد جدا لاسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة، حيث ومهما كانت حالة جهازك؛ فسيساعدك البرنامج لاسترجاع ملفاتك.
ahora que no contamos con Jailbreak podemos utilizar una excelente alternativa llamada iMyFone D-Back que nos permite realizar lo ya mencionado sin la necesidad de tener Cydia.
W tym wypadku użytkownicy mają do dyspozycji kilka narzędzi pozwalających im na odzyskanie czy przynajmniej próbę ich odzyskania. Jednym z nich jest iMyfone D-Back.
Poprzedni program producenta przypadł mi do gustu pomimo niezbyt przemyślanego interfejsu, na szczęście aplikacja D ? Back naprawia ten błąd i jest równie przydatna, co Umate.
iMyfone D-Back Data Recovery iPhone est vraiment le genre d’utilitaire qu’il vaut mieux avoir toujours sous la main.
iMyFone Fixppo is one of the most useful applications for taking iOS backups, recovering damaged files, and restoring data. The program brings unparalleled efficiency with a range of features.
Formerly known as iOS System Recovery, iMyFone Fixppo is all you need to overcome almost any software fault that iOS devices can encounter.
iMyFone iOS System Recovery is a great app to fix any iOS system issues you maybe experiencing. The interface is easy to navigate, and the app has relatively light footprint.
iMyFone Fixppo is an innovative, nifty software that allows you to troubleshoot your iOS and Apple concerns with the utmost ease.
iMyFone Fixppo is an innovative, nifty software that allows you to troubleshoot your iOS and Apple concerns with the utmost ease. It’s suitable for all iOS versions and devices, including iOS 14 and iPhone 12 models.
iMyFone Fixppo is a versatile piece of software designed to fix a huge variety of common problems on iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. The , too, is designed to suit a variety of requirements.
iMyFone Fixppo is a reliable, feature-loaded, and easy-to-use iOS recovery program for Windows PCs. iMyFone Fixppo is an iOS recovery, backup, and repair program.
To fix things in a seamless and practical form, iMyFone Fixppo stands as a very good solution. The software works to fix a high number of iOS issues.
Problemas no tan inusuales que el software de recuperación iMyfone Fixppo iOS System Recovery Software resuelve de forma automática.
Fixppo is also very easy to use. Even if you’ve never used a repair tool before, you’ll be able to use Fixppo to fix your iPhone with ease.
Há também uma maneira de acessar o modo de recuperação com mais facilidade, por meio de um software. O iMyFone Fixppo iOS System Recovery é um app que possibilita isso por meio de apenas um clique gratuitamente.
كل هذه المشاكل يمكن تفاديها عن طريق عدد من البرامج التي تسهل عليك العمل علىجهازك لإصلاحه مثل برنامج iMyFone Fixppo.
An easier way to fix a frozen iPhone is to use a third-party tool, such as iMyFone Fixppo iOS System Recovery
iMyFone Fixppo is an easy-to-use system maintenance tool that supports all iOS versions of devices, including the latest iOS 15, and common system issues including iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and more.
iMyFone LockWiper is a handy software that can remove lock mechanisms on your iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone quickly. When you’re in a hurry and need to retrieve important data, iMyFone LockWiper can get you there.
As per my experience, this tool only deserves one word, i.e., “Outstanding.” I am a person who frequently forgets passwords and, at the end, faces difficulties in recovering them.
遇到這類問題,其實解決方法也不是沒有,可透過 iMyFone iBypasser iCloud啟用鎖定繞道工具就能夠輕鬆解決這些問題
Thankfully, there's a way to bypass the lock screen whenever the user forgets the passcode. This method requires the use of a third-party app called iMyFone LockWiper, which can be downloaded here.
واحد من أكثر الأدوات التي تقدم فائدة كبيرة للمستخدمين الذين لا يستطيعون الدخول إلى هواتفهم، حيث يساعدك البرنامج على فتح الآيفون إذا نسيت رمز القفل أو إذا حدثت مشكلة في الدخول إلى الهاتف من المشاكل التي ذكرناها سابقًا وهو يعتبر أشهر الأدوات المتوفرة لذلك، ويغنيك عن استخدام أدوات آبل الغير مجدية.
نرمافزار iMyFone LockWiper (Android) میتواند برای حذف رمز عبور و قفل صفحه گوشیهای اندرویدی نیز مورد استفاده قرار بگیرد
iMyFone LockWiper radzi sobie skutecznie z usunięciem blokad w oparciu o PIN, wzór, hasło, a nawet odcisk palca i autentykację za pomocą twarzy - w przypadku urządzeń Samsunga bez ryzyka utraty jakichkolwiek danych.
Un logiciel tel que iMyFone iBypasser Bypass Activation Lock peut s’avérer très utile dans différentes situations, notamment lorsque vous avez oublié vos identifiants Apple.
Ora la buona notizia: per iPhone, iPad e iPod touch un’alternativa al ricorso all’assistenza ufficiale Apple c’è e si chiama iMyFone LockWiper.
ya no tenemos que preocuparnos por perder la contraseña de nuestro iPhone porque, como mínimo, podremos volver a usarlo como si fuera nuevo.
iMyFone LockWiper para Android es una aplicación con una tasa de éxito superior al 98%, es totalmente segura, no incluye publicidad y tiene servicio técnico gratuito.
iMyFone LockWiper è un software capace di aiutare gli utenti che dimenticano il codice di sblocco del dispositivo, così come il codice di sblocco delle restrizioni.
iMyFone LockWiper (Android) puede convertirse en una aplicación perfecta para técnicos, pero también para usuarios comunes que quieren recuperar el acceso a cualquier viejo equipo que tengan en casa.
如果真的不小心忘了螢幕密碼,小編個人非常推薦 iMyFone LockWiper 和 iMyFone LockWiper (Android) 這兩套軟件,因為介面簡潔明瞭、容易使用,像小編這種手機新手都沒有問題。
Jako nejjednodušší řešení se samozřejmě jeví použití aplikace iMyFone LockWiper, která je rychlá, bezpečná a dokáže si s problémem snadno poradit.
Quando se trata do melhor e mais completo recurso para se livrar do Gerenciamento Remoto, o iMyFone LockWiper é a sua escolha ideal.
When it comes to the best and most comprehensive tool to get rid of Remote Management, then iMyFone LockWiper is your ideal choice.
Heureusement, il existe des outils pour résoudre ces soucis un peu fâcheux, à l’instar de l’excellent iMyFone iBypasser.
Por eso la posibilidad de recurrir a programas como iMyFone LockWiper son una tabla de salvación en tantas ocasiones.
iMyFone iBypasser activation lock is a very professional Apple iCloud activation lock bypass tool that can help users to unlock Apple devices and mobile phones.
iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp is a versatile app, too. These days, WhatsApp is used for a whole lot more than just text chats.
A época de Natal é, sem dúvida, uma das melhores do ano pelas mais variadas razões. Uma dessas razões são as contínuas ofertas e borlas que podemos assistir e a iMyFone é uma das marcas que se podem destacar.
Transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone with iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp
So if you want to transfer, restore, or backup your WhatsApp independently, then iTransor for WhatsApp- WhatsApp transfer tool is one of the best ways to do it.
Básicamente, iTransor for WhatsApp es la herramienta más potente para transferir información mensajes de WhatsApp entre dos dispositivos, sin importar el sistema operativo: Android o WhatsApp.
Por ello, es muy importante tener siempre a mano un potente software para hacer copias de seguridad como iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp.
iTransor for WhatsApp: transferir tus datos de WhatsApp entre Android, iOS y PC nunca había sido tan sencillo
With iTransor for WhatsApp, you can restore WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to iPhone with ease and restore all chats safely.
iTransor es considerada una de las mejores soluciones para transferir desde WhatsApp y WhatsApp Business, tanto por los usuarios como por los medios especializados en tecnología.
Um dos melhores métodos para transferir mensagens do WhatsApp do iPhone para o Android é usar o iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp.
O que achou do iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp para transferir conversas do WhatsApp? Essa é uma das alternativas mais seguras e em conta para você fazer transferências e ter sempre por perto os dados da sua conta.
Compared to some other tools, maybe the best thing about iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp is that it is super easy to use. Transfer mail from old device to new device with just one click.
I was really impressed with iMyfone Umate. Space-saving apps are a famously scammy category. It's great to see one that over delivered on its promises.
Unfortunately, many of these types of spoofing apps do not work. However, there is one solution that works by using iMyFone AnyTo.
Bạn muốn giả mạo vị trí để kết bạn với nhiều người hơn trên các ứng dụng hẹn hò? iMyFone AnyTo GPS Spoofer là ứng dụng bạn cần để thay đổi vị trí điện thoại của mình!
iMyFone AnyTo isterseniz belirli bir rota üzerinde dolaşmanıza da yardımcı oluyor. Gittiğiniz bir şehirde, belirli bir rota çizdikten sonra uygulama otomatik olarak GPS'inizi bu bölgede dolaştırıyor ve uygulamalara bu rotayı gösterebiliyor.
iMyFone Umate for Mac and Windows can be used to quickly remove temporary and junk files from your iOS device.
Özellikle iPhone modellerinde GPS ile lokasyon değişikliği yapmak oldukça zordur. Bunu sizin için kolaylaştıran uygulamaların başında gelen iMyFone AnyTo, birkaç adımda istediğiniz yere gitmenizi sağlıyor.
In addition to playing Pokemon Go, you can use iMyFone AnyTo to change your location on Google Maps, Facebook, Apple Maps, and other social media apps.
I liked the app's clean, modern design and that it is available on both Mac and PC.
The best way to get introduced is to give iMyfone Umate a try yourself. Download a free trial version for Mac or for Windows PC.
iMyFone AnyTo può essere una soluzione pratica, efficace e di semplice utilizzo: scopriamo come funziona e quali vantaggi offre rispetto a soluzioni alternative.
Ta aplikacja zasługuje na najwyższą ocenę: 5 gwiazdek na 5 możliwych. Jest dostępna na przodujące systemy mobilne i ma bardzo interesujące funkcje.
Se llama iMyFone AnyTo y con ella podrás simular que tu iPhone están en otro lugar de una forma rápida y sencilla, también podrás jugar Pokémon GO sin salir de casa y no necesitarás el Jailbreak.
Μια ενδιαφέρουσα πρόταση λοιπόν για όσους έχουν iPhone ή iPad είναι το iMyfone Umate.
iMyfone là một ứng dụng có kích thước khá nhỏ gọn nhưng hiệu năng mạnh mẽ. Nếu đang sử dụng những phiên bản iPhone có bộ nhớ thấp thì bạn nên tải về và sử dụng ứng dụng để có thể dọn dẹp thiết bị của mình khi cần thiết, lấy lại bộ nhớ khả dụng cho thiết bị.
Another advantage is the fact that iMyfone Umate lets you remove applications from your devices with just a few clicks.
گرافیکی را دارید اما بهدلیل کمبود حافظه با اجرای کند و هنگ کردنهای مکرر رومیشوید، اگر فضای کافی برای آپدیت کردن آیفونخود ندارید یا حتی اگر قصد فروش گوشی خود را دارید اما نگران ریکاوری شدن فایلهای شخصی خود هستیدiMyFone Umate Pro راه حل تمام این مشکلات شما خواهد بود
Erase All Data Permanently, with 0% Recoverability iMyFone Umate Pro helps you erase all your data stored on iPhone, iPod or iPad within several clicks, and makes it unrecoverable by any recovery tool.
„iMyfone Umate Free“ bereinigt Ihr iOS-Gerät von unnötigem Ballast. Das Tool untersucht das Smartphone oder Tablet nach temporär abgespeicherten Files sowie Junk-Dateien und listet diese übersichtlich auf.
Ebenfalls erhältlich ist iMyfone Umate for Windows, welches euer iOS-Gerät von unnötigen Datenresten befreit und so wieder flotter macht.
iMyfone Umate helps you know the exact and current size of the apps on your iPhone and offers you the option to delete them from your device.
Изюминкой программы является ее режим Fast Mode. Каждый может легко создавать или редактировать видео за несколько минут одним щелчком мыши. Так что это очень удобно для новичков в редактировании видео.
To stop that from happening, consider using iMyfone Umate Pro. It's a software designed to erase data and free up space on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. It currently has more than 2 million customers across 100 countries.
Cała procedura optymalizacji w iMyfone Umate sprowadza się do użycia wygodnego w obsłudze kreatora składającego się z trzech kroków.
رنامج iMyfone Umate Pro يعتبر خيارا ممتازا لمن يريد ان يقوم بتوفير مساحة مناسبة وكافية علي جهازه الذي يعمل بنظام iOS وكذلك ضمان حذف كل البيانات الهامة في حالة ما اذا ار
Limpe e otimize o seu iPhone usando o iMyFone
Durch iMyfone Umate Pro lassen sich daher nicht nur zahlreiche Daten und Apps einsehen und löschen, sondern auch sensible Daten wie Fotos, Kontakte, Sprachnotizen und Safari-Daten entfernen.
What if you have a private conversation that needs to be dumped at an unrecoverable state? All you need to do is install iMyFone Umate Pro.
una aplicación desktop para Mac que hace lo que promete y que podrá salvar de un apuro a los que siempre anden justos de espacio. Y no hablamos de unos pocos megas, sino que dependiendo del móvil, puede alcanzar varios gigas.
Μια ενδιαφέρουσα πρόταση λοιπόν για όσους έχουν iPhone ή iPad είναι το iMyfone Umate. πλήκτρου στην οθόνη σου.
iMyFone Umate Pro is one of the most advanced data erasers for iPhone, making recovery next to impossible.
La verdad es que iMyfone Umate nos ha convencido en nuestra review. Se trata de una solución interesante para liberar almacenamiento en un iPhone, o en cualquier dispositivo iOS.
Si estáis pensando en una solución para vuestros dolores de cabeza a la hora de ganar algo de espacio de almacenamiento adicional en iPhone, iPad y iPod Touch, iMyfone Umate es vuestra opción ideal.
se si ha poco tempo a disposizione e se si vuole effettuare una pulizia più approfondita che nemmeno Apple può offrire con gli strumenti che si hanno a disposizione, allora il software di pulizia iPhone iMyfone Umate, potrebbe essere una buona soluzione.
برنامج “iMyfone Umate” والذي يعد من أفضل البرامج في العالم لتنظيف الأجهزة والوصوللأقصى استغلال ممكن للمساحة والسعة التخزينية. لكن بالإضافة الى ذلك هناك ميزة سوف تتعجب منها وهو
Questo software è piuttosto semplice da utilizzare e ci permette di liberare spazio sui dispositivi in nostro possesso, oltre che cancellare in modo sicuro la memoria dei device in caso di vendita o nel caso in cui si vogliano eliminare informazioni sensibili e private.
Proposant la suppression sécurisée de vos données sur votre iPhone, iMyFone Umate est un logiciel Mac et PC qui va nettoyer votre mobile. Interface claire et léchée, sécurisation optimale de vos données avec une impossibilité de restaurer les fichiers effacés, l’application est un must.
iMyfone là một ứng dụng có kích thước khá nhỏ gọn nhưng hiệu năng thì vô cùng mạnh mẽ.
Por suerte, hay herramientas como iMyFone Umate Pro que harán que esos problemas de almacenamiento sean solucionados en apenas unos minutos
O iMyfone Umate, da desenvolvedora homônima, não é nada disso. Trata-se de um aplicativo para Mac ou Windows com uma série de opções utilíssimas, uma interface muito fácil de usar e funcionamento rápido e simples
Con iMyFone Umate Pro hai un prezioso alleato. Il procedimento è facilissimo: vai su “Erase All Data” a sinistra e clicca “Erase”. Ricorda che per completare il procedimento di cancellazione DEVI aver disabilitato la funzione “Find my iPhone”.
There are a lot of apps on the market that promise to recover disk space on your iOS devices but fail to deliver. iMyFone, on the other hand, performs a simple task really well and does exactly what it is advertised to do.
فتابع معنا خطوات الاستفادة من البرنامج دون الحاجة إلى جيلبريك أو أدوات سيديا الخطيرة ولا البرامج غيرالموثوقة، فمع برنامج iMyfone Umate ستحصل على هذه المزايا.
برنامج iMyfone Umate هو الحل الأمثل لتنظيف وتسريع أجهزة IOS بما فيها هواتف
ahora que no contamos con Jailbreak podemos utilizar una excelente alternativa llamada iMyFone Umate que nos permite realizar lo ya mencionado sin la necesidad de tener Cydia.
Très efficace et vraiment simple d’utilisation, iMyfone Umate est La solution à privilégier si l’on court après le moindre Mo de données sur son iPhone.
Apple si za kapacitu paměti iPhonů a iPadů nechává dobře zaplatit. Program iMyfone Umate vám pomůže uvolnit cenné místo v úložišti vašeho zařízení.
co chci a vypíchnout musím zejména funkci pro komprimaci fotografií, která se zdá být, z pohledu úspory volného místa úložiště, jako velice efektivním řešením, které nijak vaše fotografie ve výsledku neovlivní.
Y es que no hay más: iMyphone Umate es de las aplicaciones más sencillas de utilizar por el usuario y que esté en español ayuda todavía más.
iMyfone D-Back iPhone Data Recovery consigue nuestros archivos en un tiempo inferior a 5 minutos, es decir, tarda menos que la publicidad de cualquier cadena de televisión en recuperar todo lo que perdimos anteriormente, todo un logro en cuanto a eficacia.
El único ‘pero’ que tiene esta maravillosa utilidad es que cuenta con la necesidad de llevarse más de una hora por cada apartado, eso hace que tanto tiempo sin utilizar nuestro terminal llegue a ser tedioso.
Se il tempo a vostra disposizione è poco ed Apple non vi offre gli strumenti giusti per una pulizia accurata del dispositivo ecco che vi viene in aiuto iMyfone Umate.
Existují různé aplikace a postupy, jak si udělat ve svých iPhonech a iPadech volné místo. Jednu možnost představuje aplikace iMyfone Umate, která funguje poměrně efektivně.
Umate to przydatne narzędzie dla osób, które chcą od czasu do czasu zwolnić miejsce na swoim iGadżecie i nie mają Jailbreak.
Ну, есть множество вариантов почистить телефон, обходя колючую проволоку, расставленную инженерами Apple. Один из вернейших вариантов – запустить iMyfone Umate.
Por suerte existen herramientas como iMyfone Umate con la que se puede sacar la escoba y liberar espacio en el iPhone de forma súper rápida y fácil.
El software desarrollado por iMyfone cuenta con una interface de usuario muy clara, está disponible en castellano y es realmente muy sencillo de utilizar.
Нужно чистить, желательно качественным инструментом. Как раз о таком расскажу — iMyfone Umate. А заодно разыграю 8 лицензий на приложение.
iMyfone Umate debería de ser una aplicación imprescindible para usar muy a menudo y rascar cada MB que iOS te roba con sus archivos temporales y cachés.
iMyfone Umate es la aplicación perfecta para Mac y Windows la cual nos va a permitir liberar espacio de nuestro dispositivo iOS de una forma rápida, segura y fácil.
Но мы предлагаем более рациональный способ — это программа iMyfone Umate. Утилита автоматически удалит все ненужное, предложив вам несколько лишних сотен мегабайт свободного пространства.
Ostensiblement, ce logiciel se vend comme une solution qui peut vous aider à libérer de l’espace sur votre téléphone. Et sur ce point, il travaille admirablement bien. Mais il peut en faire beaucoup plus, comme vous le verrez bientôt.
Au final, iMyfone Umate est outil extrêmement utile pour redonner du souffle à votre iPhone.
La verdad es que no puedo estar más contento con este Software, ha conseguido ahorrarme más de 7 Gb sin prescindir de nada en absoluto.
iMyfone Umate es un limpiador fácil de usar para iPhone especialmente pensado y desarrollada para liberar espacio en iOS.
Trochę byłem zaskoczony, gdy dostałem ten program do recenzji, bo nie spodziewałem się, że jest tyle dodatkowych sposobów na zwalnianie przestrzeni w iUrządzeniach.
iMyfone de Umate es una aplicación bastante sencilla y práctica que podrás utilizar en tu ordenador Mac de forma totalmente intuitiva y consiguiendo liberar espacio del iPhone fácilmente.
您的隐私具有最高优先级,因此您应该密切关注它。 iMyfone Umate Pro 将帮助您解决此问题。 它将是你的保镖。 明智地使用它。
Recomendo o programa, está disponível para Mac e Windows, para poder alcançar a grande maioria dos usuários. O custo benefício do programa é notável.
Si estás buscando una aplicación para ahorrar espacio en tu dispositivo y, además, eliminar los archivos innecesarios, iMyfone Umate puede ser una buena opción y, aunque no es gratis, tal vez pueda ser la solución a muchos problemas en los dispositivos.
iMyFone Umate Pro is a tool that can adjust the space for your iOS device. Stealing by people with intentions is a good tool to ensure information security and space optimization.
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- iMyFone D-Back for iOS
- iMyFone Fixppo
- iMyFone LockWiper
- iMyFone iTransor for WhatsApp
- iMyFone AnyTo
( Reviewed by 1230 Users )
iMyFone D-Back
( Reviewed by 1230 Users )
User Reviews of iMyFone D-Back for iOS
Purchased and tested by millions of users, iMyFone D-Back for iOS has been proved to be one of the most useful and powerful iOS data recovery tools on the market.
By Anthony 2025-03-01
By Kate Muller 2025-02-17
Recovered deleted voicemails. Thank you
By Sawera 2024-10-11
I had a problem, and the counsellor took care of it right away. Thank you for your quick and good response. "Rene" helps me very much . she is very good an talented . I am very happy after talk with her . God bless her .
By Marcel 2024-06-04
I was expecting this program not to work at all. However, I was stunned seeing it work. Really nice and easy to use to exit the recovery screen. Thank you
By JULIA123 2024-05-08
Moje zdjęcia z iPhone'a zostały przypadkowo usunięte, a dzięki temu oprogramowaniu mogę odzyskać wszystkie utracone zdjęcia! I jest to bardzo proste. Gorąco polecam!
By Ziko 2024-03-02
My description will be a bit longer,sorry, BUT I can say I can only regret that I didn't find you 2 years ago.. More or less the same thing happened to me today. Unwittingly, I pressed from some app to factory reset the iPhone 13, because I still have some hope and I'm trying to get my photos, contacts, etc. back from my other iPhone 7, which in the same way did not want to update, but directly gave it to restore, with the small difference that /7/ stopped working on its own - it only stayed on the logo and nothing more. The day in my head my happy initial thought was to sit alone at home was also my biggest mistake, I downloaded countless apps and without realizing exactly what I clicked, the "restore" started - 128gb, you can imagine how many photos I lost. Todayyy, however, you literally saved more than 10,000 photos,years of memories and mostly excessive crying and nerves. This is the only app that literally makes me cry from happiness! Thank you!!
By Hyonah Song 2023-12-26
I had a problem, and the counselor took care of it right away. Thank you for your quick and good response.
By Luis Mario 2023-11-10
Está bueno
By Tayyab Fayyaz 2023-08-01
Very Good Software recommended For all
By Trần Tân 2023-07-21
Great program recovery data.
( Reviewed by 294 Users )
iMyFone Fixppo
( Reviewed by 294 Users )
User Reviews of iMyFone Fixppo
By Buomkuoth Gatluak 2025-01-18
am a young boy. i put my mom's iphone 7 into recovery mode i tried to fix it by using dr fone and reiboot but they needed subcription with bank cards but i didnt have one or money . all i want to say a thanks fixppo for helping me fix my mom's iphone for free and being unique.God bless you guys
By Sargis 2024-10-15
My iPhone 16 keeps restarting suddenly. I bought it several days ago! Thanks to this Fixppo, it has solve the problem for me.
By Isabella 2024-10-13
Helped me get back into my phone !!
By mayara keller 2024-09-08
I thought I have to bought a new iPhone, but this tool has fixed the Apple logo stuck problem for me. Thank you so much.
By Sawera 2024-08-29
nice. My iPhone finally got out of recovery mode!!
By Mike R 2024-08-22
The best iOS system repair tool on the market. Thank you.
By Kowo 2024-08-16
By Lucas 2024-08-02
iPhone black screen of death, made me frustrating. This tool helped me get into the phone again. Thanks for no data loss!
By Emrik 2024-07-20
nice 100%
By Olivia 2024-07-09
Bought it for fixing my iPhone won't turn on problem. Glad it worked!
( Reviewed by 446 Users )
iMyFone LockWiper
( Reviewed by 446 Users )
User Reviews of iMyFone LockWiper
iMyFone LockWiper is a top-rated passcode unlock tool which helps more and more users easily unlock their iOS devices screen lock just in minutes.
By Fatihah 2024-12-28
ok ok
By ysaquirle 2024-12-22
im happy to work with them
By allison 2024-11-20
By Alexandru 2024-09-08
Hi i want to know something, dose this worck to unlock my icloud (iphone 12 pro ios 17.6.1)
By Asad pervaiz 2024-09-07
Hello how are you actually i need to know that there is no harm in it and sim will work or apple id and update will we continue to get official update???
By Prince 2024-09-06
Yet to try and see wheter is worth it
By Danny 2024-08-17
Hi there, I wanted to check if i works on iphone 14 or 14 pro? The issue is given by a friend because the unit had broken glass. I tried to contact my friend in Alaska for verification, he is on a project of a space program. I cant get him at all. Does the software able to perform and i able to use my apple ID? Thank you for help. Danny
By Wayne 2024-07-30
worth to try cause it unlock my iphone 13
By Angela Arivitsa 2024-07-26
I cant understand why its almost done with recovery mode, it gets stuck and it cant continue even after starting over again. Need help
By CAMERON 2024-07-15
It's fucking worth it.
( Reviewed by 38 Users )
iTransor for WhatsApp
( Reviewed by 38 Users )
User Reviews of iTransor for WhatsApp
By Alexis R 2024-06-22
I purchased iMytrans monthly plan, no problems with extra charges, worked excellent following the instructions there was not a single failure restored on android xiaomi 100/100. Some media files were not recovered but they inform you before making any purchase. SATISFIED
By Colette weir 2022-08-26
Very good
By Mande 2022-07-14
By QiuFeng 2021-09-26
Used the beta version and it works great!
By litt 2021-07-28
very good
By Epan permana 2021-07-10
By LG 2021-06-28
Very good
By Ervin 2021-03-13
Thenk you
By Games Packages 2021-02-09
The best !
By Avery 2021-01-27
Used to transfer WhatsApp info from an old iphone to a new phone. Worked without any issues. Would recommend.
( Reviewed by 183 Users )
iMyFone AnyTo
( Reviewed by 183 Users )
User Reviews of iMyFone AnyTo
iMyFone AnyTo is a top-rated iOS/Android location changer. It is trusted and used by more and more people, and we believe you will love it too!
By Ayla 2025-02-08
This app works flawlessly! I needed a reliable way to change my GPS location on my iPhone, and this tool did the job perfectly. It’s easy to use, fast, and doesn’t require jailbreaking. Now I can explore different locations in apps without any hassle. Highly recommended!
By Amesty 2025-01-17
I’ve tried several location changers, but this one stands out! The interface is user-friendly, and the accuracy is spot on.
By danilel 2024-09-26
By Ellen 2024-09-26
I tried anyto last week, it has really shocked me! It is do the safest pogo spoofer which i've ever tried, recommend!!
By Zara 2024-08-08
It's a very good app
By Yo 2024-07-30
By Nasir 2024-07-25
Pretty good
By Emily Johnson 2024-07-24
I have been using iMyFone AnyTo for Pokémon GO, and it has been a game-changer! The app is easy to use, and it allows me to explore different locations without physically being there. This has made catching rare Pokémon and participating in distant raids so much more convenient. Highly recommend!
By Michael Smith 2024-07-18
iMyFone AnyTo works great for spoofing in Pokémon GO. The interface is user-friendly, and I haven't encountered any issues so far. The only reason I'm not 100% satisfied is that it sometimes takes a little while to load new locations. Other than that, it's fantastic!
By Stefan Bartsch 2024-07-16
AnyTo has always been my favorite location changer, but since June, Pokemon Go does not work with the software. Hope this will be fixed soon.