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Get Good Blog Post Ideas with AI Blog Writer


3 mins read

We have all heard of the term ‘writer’s block’. It is when writers cannot decide what to write or how to proceed. This is the most complicated issue for writers, and it decreases their efficiency significantly.

Luckily, AI blog writers have effectively dealt with this problem. Trying to find good blog post ideas? Worry no more! AI blog writers are here to the rescue.

 Blog post ideas

In this article:

What is Blogging

Blogging refers to the process of creating articles or other different forms of content and then publishing them on some website. It usually has the following characteristics:

  • Informal language
  • High customer engagement
  • A laid-back attitude in writing

Essentials of Blog Writing

Trying to write that perfect blog post comes with a lot of pressure. Here are the few elements that make a blog remarkable:

  • The Headline

These include the six words that matter the most. Eight out of ten people will read the blog heading and decide whether they want to continue reading the article. Therefore, the headline is basically the make-or-break moment for your blog. An ideal heading will catch your reader by surprise and increase their curiosity.

  • Tell a Story

The headline makes the reader read your blog, and the intro hooks the reader. Beginning your blog with a story will ensure the reader reaches the bottom.

  • Featured Image

Place a relevant image in your blog post, as visuals hold great significance and help draw attention towards the blog. Having an image right at the beginning of your blog has another catch. It makes the first few lines of the blog shortened in width. This psychologically impacts the reader, who believes the text is less complex and easier to understand.

  • Subheadings

Whether you agree or not, most of the readers on the internet do not really read; they scan. This is why having subheadings in your blog is really important. If the reader thinks your blog is too lengthy or complicated, they might stop reading.

  • Hit the sweet spot with the content!

One of the most essential elements of writing a blog post is to try to write the perfect amount of content. A perfect blog has no set length; experts suggest between 1000 and 1500 words. Any longer than that, your reader might lose the will to read further. Ensure that your content includes lists, quotes, bold text, short paragraphs and visuals.

Several free blog platforms are available for new writers to post their blogs, such as WordPress, Medium, Wix, Blogger, and Weebly.

Solutions When Out of Blog Post Ideas

When you are out of blog post ideas

In recent years, there have been remarkable strides in artificial intelligence in different industries. One such industry is the field of content/blog writing. This innovation is a Godsend for blog writers. There are various pros to using AI blog writers. Some of them are


  • Speed and efficiency
  • Reduced Hurdles for Writers
  • Style Variety
  • Language Assistance
  • Data-Driven Content

When you feel out of blog ideas, turn to an efficient AI blog writer like ChatArt. ChatArt is an AI writer and chatbot that is built by taking content writers’ needs into consideration. It lets writers use AI to reduce work hours and boost traffic by generating amazing blog post ideas.

Here is how you can use ChatArt to generate amazing blog post ideas.

Step 1: Go to .

Step 2: Click on AI Chat in the left-hand corner.

AI Chat for more blog post ideas

Step 3: Write ‘Give me good blog post ideas’ in the message bar at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Choose the idea you like best from a list of ideas given and write away!

If you have further issues writing the blog, go to the Article Generator and ask for more help from the AI buddy!

How to Use AI Blog Writer for Ideas

If you are a writer, then you must know how aggravating it can be to encounter writer’s block. You waste valuable time coming up with ideas for a perfect blog.

However, with the advent of AI and AI blog writers, like ChatArt, it has become easier and more convenient for writers to get instant and effective suggestions for their articles or blogs. Several platforms are available, and you can choose an AI blog idea generator that best suits your needs and has robust abilities. We recommend ChatArt.

Begin with inputting topic of your article. Enter a primary keyword to bring focus to your results and to help the AI writer understand your intentions. Add a few nouns to the keywords if required.

Article generator in ChatArt



Make sure that the prompt you have added is as simple and clear as possible. For instance, let us assume you are a writer who wishes to jot down something about a healthy lifestyle but cannot really understand the focus point. The right prompt to give to the AI blog writer here would be ’10 best article ideas for a healthy lifestyle’.

When the above tips have been followed religiously, you will find that the AI writer has generated the best possible ideas for your blog.


When it comes to generating blog ideas through AI blog writers, the possibilities are amazingly endless. The right AI blog writer can provide you with all the ideas you require as a writer to enter the content generation strategy. With the help of AI, product engaging and high-quality content as a writer resonates well with your target audience.

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